Insurance Information

Outpatient Radiology and Casper Medical Imaging are participating providers with:

Medicare, Medicaid, BCBS, United Healthcare, Cigna, First Choice Network*, and Wise Provider Network*

*First Choice, and Wise Provider Networks represent a number of insurance companies. Your insurance card should indicate whether or not your insurance company is represented by one of these networks.

It is your insurance company’s responsibility to maintain a current listing of participating providers, and to notify plan participants of any changes. Please be sure to contact your health plan’s benefit administrator, or your insurance company, prior to your appointment, for you insurance company’s current listing of participating providers, and the specifics of your individual coverage and benefits.

Outpatient Radiology and Casper Medical Imaging will provide services to all patients, regardless of the insurance company the patient may have for coverage.

Medical Records Request

Outpatient Radiology is able to send medical records to patients and facilities through our Patient Portal.  All you have to do is click the “Patient Portal” button and set up an account. 

All we need is an email address and you will be able to receive the same images from your exam that the doctors see!

Once you create an account, you can submit a records request through the Patient Portal.  

Please call us for more information.


*We are on Nuance PowerShare as Casper Medical Imaging-OPR.

*Reports from your exams are available online through our Patient Portal.

*Please allow 72 hours for reports to be available.

*You can also request images through phone, fax or email. 

Phone: 307/232-5019

Fax: 307/577-0443

Email: jessica.o’